SEVENTEEN STATE “NEW ENERGY FUTURE” COALITION FORMED GOVERNOR ANDREW M. CUOMO AND 16 OTHER GOVERNORS signed the Governors’ Accord for a New Energy Future. The accord describes six shared goals, diversification of energy generation and expansion...
By: Cameron Kinvig , PRACTICAL GUIDANCE ENERGY & UTILITIES ATTORNEY EDITOR This article provides you and your clients with an overview of the federal environmental regulation affecting the oil and gas exploration and production (E&P) industry. THERE...
By: Cameron Kinvig , PRACTICAL GUIDANCE The European Union (EU) as a block of nations is the third largest greenhouse gas emitter in the world. However, European countries have long focused on alleviating climate change and have taken the lead on efforts to reach...
By: The Practical Guidance Energy & Utilities Team On January 27, 2021, President Joseph R. Biden signed Executive Order 14008, 1 calling for the country to become net zero on carbon emissions by the year 2050. This order also called for the country’s...
STUDY ON INJECTION WELL INDUCED EARTHQUAKES THE U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY (USGS) RECENTLY released its short-term forecast for seismic activity. For the first time, it includes a discussion of “Induced Earthquakes.” The study, which comes after a significant...
By: Korey Clark Development of autonomous, or self-driving, vehicle technologies by Google, Tesla Motors, and others has been progressing rapidly in recent years. But state efforts to regulate the testing and operation of self-driving cars on public roads have...
By: Ira L. Herman , Thompson & Knight LLP The price of crude oil, like the price of virtually all commodities, moves up in times of high demand and down in times of excess capacity. When a mismatch exists between supply and demand, the markets are expected...
By: Kevin L. Turner and Amy L. Edwards , HOLLAND & KNIGHT LLP In this article, the authors discuss the five broad areas of focus of the International Climate Finance Plan that impact international private sector development. IN THE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION’S...
By: Michael Bonsignore and Eli Keene , Clifford Chance In this article, the authors explain that as the Biden Administration lays out its vision for a clean energy future, a confluence of economic and policy factors is providing a unique opportunity to greenify...
By: Cameron Kinvig , Practical Guidance Extreme winter weather and poor statewide energy policies recently caused an enormous public health and safety crisis in Texas. This article analyzes what went wrong with Texas' energy infrastructure during Winter Storm...