By: Julie Capell , Winston & Strawn LLP This article discusses how to draft effective internship agreements that comply with the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL’s) regulations concerning unpaid internships, as well as recent court decisions applying...
By: Michael Rave , Day Pitney LLP LEXIS PRACTICE ADVISOR RESEARCH PATH: Securities & Capital Markets > Post-IPO Equity Offerings > Other Equity Offerings > Practice Notes There are various ways in which companies can attempt to raise capital in...
What Are Payroll Cards? Payroll cards—also known as payroll debit cards or paycards—are similar to bank debit cards. They are an increasingly popular method for employers to pay wages because they reduce the administrative costs associated with the...
By: Timothy Murray , Murray, Hogue & Lannis THERE IS A STAGGERING AMOUNT OF LITIGATION involving disputes over whether a binding contract was formed during contract negotiations. In a typical case of this kind, the parties agree on many issues while negotiating...
Checklist provided by Stephen R. Martin , partner at Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP This checklist includes key themes from the compliance program expectations of government regulators around the world and best practices broken into five essential elements...
By: Stephen R. Martin ARNOLD & PORTER KAYE SCHOLER LLP What is a Risk Assessment? A risk assessment is a review undertaken to help an organization understand its business and manage the related strategic, operational, financial, and/or compliance risks...
By: Candice Choh and Kari Krusmark, GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER LLP A joint marketing agreement is a contract pursuant to which one or both of the parties will collaborate in order to promote the sale of product and service offerings of the other party. Such...
By: Timothy Murray , MURRAY, HOGUE AND LANNIS With the e-commerce explosion, sellers are peddling goods and services over their websites at unprecedented rates. From a contract law perspective, this ought to be a seller’s nirvana: the seller alone establishes...
By: Robert D. Starin , K&L Gates LLP. The tax treatment of carried interest has for many years been a high-profile target for potential reform. “Carried interest” refers to the share of profits or gains from investment received by a manager of...
By: Richard D. Glovsky , Locke Lord LLP. THIS ARTICLE ADDRESSES PROTECTED STATUS HARASSMENT issues, a subset of discrimination claims that arise where an employee alleges that he or she was subjected to unwelcome conduct in the workplace due to the employee’s...
By: Timothy Murray , Murray, Hogue & Lannis. RECENTLY A TEXAS COURT CONSTRUED A CONTRACT replete with common provisions designed to limit the supplier’s financial exposure in the event of its breach and proceeded to hold every one of them inoperative...
Adapted by Alyssa Heumann . THE LAWYER’S MOST IMPORTANT ROLE IN CONNECTION with the launch of a new private equity fund (PE fund) will involve the preparation and negotiation of the key documents for the offering of its interests. The sale of PE fund interests...
By: Timothy Murray ONE TIME, I WAS REVIEWING THE TERMS OF A PROPOSED contract with an executive for a client that was buying a product for a significant sum of money. The document had been drafted by the seller, and it contained the customary provision excluding...
By: Steven J. Slutzky, Kevin R. Grondahl, and Nicholas P. Pellicani THIS ARTICLE COVERS 10 PRACTICAL TIPS THAT COUNSEL in a secondary offering can use to facilitate execution and avoid common pitfalls. Secondary offerings of equity securities by stockholders...
By: Timothy Murray , Murray, Hogue & Lannis BUSINESSES OFTEN CONDUCT THEIR TRADES BY UTILIZING documents that don’t appear to be contractual in nature but that contain contractual provisions—the information brochure accompanying a smartphone might...