One of the biggest headaches that in-house counsel grapple with is how to effectively manage their organization’s vast universe of contracts — from complex commercial transactions to routine vendor agreements. Contract lifecycle management (CLM) tools...
By LexisNexis® CounselLink® One of the biggest headaches that in-house counsel grapple with is how to effectively manage their organization’s vast universe of contracts — from complex commercial transactions to routine vendor agreements. Contract...
LexisNexis® CounselLink+™ is a feature-rich legal solution for the corporate law department. It unites enterprise legal management software and an extensive contract lifecycle management application in one comprehensive platform. Other applications within...
In mid-July 2024, the CounselLink blog was officially launched, publishing twice weekly to provide those interested with enterprise legal management features and content for the corporate legal world. Our audience of readers is people in legal operations, in-house...
LexisNexis® CounselLink+™ has been honored with the prestigious title of "Contract Lifecycle Management Platform of the Year" in the 2024 LegalTech Breakthrough Awards. This recognition highlights our commitment to driving innovation and excellence...
by Kris Satkunas and Stephanie Beck Virtually every legal department is under pressure to reduce and tightly manage costs. And for most legal departments, legal spend cost saving with outside counsel represents a very large portion of that cost. In addition to...
The CounselLink ® 2024 Trends Report: Dynamics Shaping the Future of Legal , reports on outside counsel median partner billing rates and other data culled from the enterprise legal management platform benchmarking database. For the second straight year, corporate...
Legal department success is defined by being a strategic partner to the business, adhering to company goals, delivering quality legal counsel, and optimizing legal costs and resources. Put simply, legal operations professionals manage the procurement of technology...
Corporate legal departments of all sizes are restructuring their costs and rethinking their budget priorities to respond to anticipated changes in demand this year. According to the Association of Corporate Counsel’s annual survey , 45% of chief legal officers...