By Eric Geringswald | CSC More than 90 sections of California’s Corporations Code and related codes were added or amended during the 2023 legislative session, including laws regarding meetings, contracts, fictitious business names, ratification or validation...
By Eric Geringswald | CSC The 2023 legislative session of the Connecticut General Assembly produced several important new statutes. The 2023 budget implementer, for example, includes amendments to the tax laws governing pass-through entities and the corporation...
By Eric Geringswald | CSC New York lawmakers recently added or amended more than 40 sections related to business entity laws, including new requirements for registration of beneficial owners and LLC transparency. The changes are captured in the Spring 2024...
By Eric Geringswald | CSC Changes made to Montana’s business laws during the latest legislative session included an amendment to recognizing entities formed under federally recognized Indian tribes, a provision allowing company directors to rescind their...
The 2024 edition of CSC's Oklahoma Laws Governing Business Entities Annotated is now available, offering a comprehensive and up-to-date resource for legal professionals in Oklahoma. This latest edition captures recent legislative changes and provides crucial...
By Eric Geringswald | CSC Missouri business attorneys and their staff at small and large law firms can find the latest updates to the state’s business entity laws and the most recent related case law in CSC ’s 2024 edition of Missouri Laws Governing...
By Eric Geringswald | CSC New York lawmakers recently added new requirements for LLCs with beneficial owners. This and other changes are captured in the Fall 2024 e dition of New York Laws Governing Business Entities Annotated . This edition captures the latest...
By Eric Geringswald | CSC CSC’s Massachusetts Laws Governing Business Entities Annotated is a comprehensive collection of annotated Massachusetts business statutes and regulations and is an essential resource for business law practitioners in the state...
By Eric Geringswald | CSC South Dakota lawmakers added or amended more than 60 sections to the state’s business entity and trust laws during the latest legislative session, including new UCC provisions regulating electronic records such as cryptocurrency...
By Eric Geringswald | CSC Delaware’s Court of Chancery predicted that more than 2 million Delaware entities would be created in 2023 and described fiduciary duty and contract Law as “elemental forces” of Delaware corporate law. “To Delaware’s...
Updates to Key Sections of the MGCL Maryland lawmakers approved revisions to Corporations and Associations of the Maryland General Corporation Law (MGCL) regarding the following: Shares issued in a conversion The prohibition on bearer certificates ...
By Eric Geringswald | CSC New Jersey lawmakers amended the corporation taxation laws during the 221st First Annual Session of the state’s legislature in 2024. Lawmakers also amended laws to provide for the certification of a business as an LGBTQ+ business...
In June 2023, the United States Supreme Court rendered a decision that could significantly impact companies’ decisions on whether to qualify to do business in foreign states. The following excerpt from the 2024 edition of CSC’s Qualifying to Do Business...
By Eric Geringswald | CSC Georgia l awmaker s a dded or amended more than 200 sections of the state’s business law statute s during the 2024 legislative session, including a new ly enacted a rticle of the Commercial Code regulating controllable electronic...