Construing Ohio law, a federal district court in that state denied an employer’s motion for judgment on the pleadings in a civil action filed by an employee in which the employee alleged that he suffered severe mental pain and suffering and psychological...
Ohio’s retaliatory discharge statute, Ohio Rev. Code Ann. § 4123.90, seeks to protect the state’s employees on a no-fault basis from adverse employer actions following their the pursuit of benefits; there need not be any actual award of benefits...
DOL Announces Adjustment of Civil Penalty Fines . CA: DWC Accepting Applications for QME Examination on Oct. 29 . CA: WCIRB President’s Message About 2016 Achievements, Plans Ahead . CA: Class Action Says WC System Has Bias Against Women . HI: State...
CA: Ins. Dept. Announces 10.5 Percent Workers’ Comp Rate Reduction . CA: New Round of Charges Filed Against Medical Providers in WC System . CA: Sen. Mendoza Calls for Study, Investigation of WC Fraud . CA: UnitedHealth Exits ACA Market in California...
WCRI Study Compares Outcomes of Injured Workers Across 15 States . US DOL Continues Investigation of Opt Outs to Workers Comp . AZ: Governor Signs HB 2240 Workers Comp Changes . AR: Court Finds WCC Lacks Exclusive Jurisdiction in Employee’s Personal...
EEOC Issues Final Rules on Employer Wellness Programs . AR: Governor Seeks End to State’s Death, PTD Fund . CA: Frederick Dietrich Honored With Lifetime Achievement Award . CA: Michael Gerson Honored With Lifetime Achievement Award . CA: Joseph V...
Under the one-subject rule, set forth in the Ohio Constitution [art. II, § 15(D)], no bill may contain more than one “subject” and that subject must be clearly expressed in the bill’s title. An Ohio appellate court held that the portion of the 2012 “Mid-Biennium...
An Ohio appellate court affirmed trial court’s decision granting summary judgment to an employer in a workers’ compensation matter in spite of what the worker contended was a conflict in the medical evidence. The worker was diagnosed with respiratory...
NCCI Posts Hartwig Presentation of Future of P&C Market and American Workplace . NCCI Posts Presentation of Insurance in an Exponential World . NCCI Posts Presentation for Affordable Care Act and Workers Comp . NCCI Posts Presentation on Prescription...
An Ohio court affirmed a trial court’s summary judgment in favor of a defendant who had been sued by a co-employee who sustained injuries in a bizarre accident that occurred in the employer’s parking lot. The two employees had completed their shifts and were walking...
CDC Posts Annual Workers Memorial Day 2016 Message . CDC Examines Impact of Hearing Loss on Quality of Life . CDC Examines Convenience Store Compliance to Reduce Workplace Violence . AZ: ICA Discusses Implementation of RBRVS-based Fee Schedule . CA: Lawsuit...
Uber Seeks to Settle Employee Status Lawsuits for $100M; Judge to Review Terms . CMS Releases April 2016 Version of WCMSA Reference Guide . CA: DIR Reports 2014 Fatal Occupational Injuries . CA: DWC Posts Workers’ Comp Fact Sheets, Claim Form in Four...
In making its determination that a 90-year-old claimant was not permanently and totally disabled, the Industrial Commission was free to reject a report from claimant’s vocational consultant in favor of its own analysis of relevant vocational factors. While...
Senators Slam Obama Directive for Sick U.S. Nuclear Workers . AK: WCD Posts Director’s Interpretation on Issues Impacting Medical Fee Schedule . AZ: Governor Signs SB 1323 Pro Se Vexatious Litigant . CA: WCAB Chairman Ronnie Caplane to Retire From State...
Express Scripts Releases New Drug Trend Report . Leahy Bill in U.S. Senate Could Kill Key Provision in TX Nonsubscriber ERISA Plans . AZ: RBRVS Fiscal Impact Study Released . AZ: ICA Requests Oct. 1 Effective Date for UR Rules for Opioid Use . CA: Ninth...