CALIFORNIA COMPENSATION CASES Vol. 80 No. 2 February 2015 A Report of En Banc and Significant Panel Decisions of the WCAB and Selected Court Opinions of Related Interest, With a Digest of WCAB Decisions Denied Judicial Review CONTENTS OF THIS ISSUE ©...
Death benefits to be paid following the work-related death of a 17-year-old farm worker should be calculated using the presumption provided for in Wis. Stat. § 102.11(1)(g), held a Wisconsin court. That statute provides that where the employee is under 27...
California WCAB applies Salas to another Salas case Karen C. Yotis, Esq., a Feature Resident Columnist for the LexisNexis Workers’ Compensation eNewsletter , provides insights into workplace issues and the nuts and bolts of the workers’ comp world...
A worker who injured his knee falling on a snowy adjacent parking lot while leaving work was awarded benefits. Scholastic v David Viley, 2014 Mo App. Lexis 1207 (Lexis Advance), 2014 Mo App. Lexis 1207 (, WD 77546 (Oct. 28, 2014) This case is important...
A Missouri appellate court affirmed an award of workers’ compensation benefits to an employee who sustained a severe knee injury when he slipped and fell on ice and snow in a parking lot near his employer’s premises. Acknowledging that the employer...
BREAKING NEWS: Sierra Chemical has filed a petition for writ of certiorari in which it "asks SCOTUS to determine whether and to what extent a State law authorizing a 'wrongful failure to hire' discrimination action by a person not legally entitled...
Wyoming’s definition of “employee,” which includes illegal aliens only if the employer reasonably believes both at the date of hire and the date of injury, based upon documentation in the employer’s possession, that the worker was authorized to work by the federal...
CALIFORNIA COMPENSATION CASES Vol. 79 No. 7 July 2014 A Report of En Banc and Significant Panel Decisions of the WCAB and Selected Court Opinions of Related Interest, With a Digest of WCAB Decisions Denied Judicial Review CONTENTS OF THIS ISSUE © Copyright...
A 48-year old car salesman who fell on the employer's lot after he was fired can collect comp benefits in Missouri because his injury occurred within a reasonable time after his termination. The Commission recently awarded nearly $400,000. Hartman v DJSCMS...
The Supreme Court of California, reversing an earlier decision by a lower appellate court, held that the federal Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) does not generally preempt either the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) nor California's...
You be the judge in this controversial case involving what some call undocumented worker Armageddon Karen C. Yotis, Esq., a Feature Resident Columnist for the LexisNexis Workers’ Compensation eNewsletter , provides insights into workplace issues and the...
The death of a lumber mill employee, who came to the United States from Mexico, who had used falsified documentation to obtain employment, and who suffered a fatal heart attack as he and other undocumented workers ran from the employer’s premises in an effort to...
Larson's Spotlight on Undocumented Worker, Employee Status, Borrowing Employer, and Tort Action Against Third Party. Larson's surveys the latest case developments that you need to know about. Thomas A. Robinson, the staff writer for Larson's Workers'...
Larson's Spotlight on Contribution, Firefighter's Rule, Safety Device, and Credit. Larson's surveys the latest case developments that you need to know about. Thomas A. Robinson, the staff writer for Larson's Workers' Compensation Law , has compiled...
In this LexisNexis Emerging Issues Analysis article, Thomas A. Robinson analyzes the top 10 workers’ compensation events for 2011, with an eye to the hot button issues for 2012. > You can purchase the article at the LexisNexis Bookstore . > Lexis...