Led by a team of former government intelligence and law enforcement specialists, ZENRS International offers a variety of security-focused services to clients worldwide. Whether conducting due diligence...
Global organizations need to build the capacity to effectively identify and monitor the most relevant geopolitical and financial trends that could affect their business. Failure to do so may expose them...
2024–25 is a critical period in modern global politics and economics. Geopolitical and financial trends are converging to reshape economies and societies, with significant implications for any company...
Third parties are typically a company’s main sources of exposure to legal, financial, reputational and strategic risks–and compliance officers are responsible for identifying and managing them...
Companies rely on global third parties and suppliers to deliver their products and services, but these third parties are increasingly becoming their main exposure to risk. In recent years, ten trends have...
Companies rely on third parties and suppliers around the world to deliver their products and services efficiently and effectively. But these third parties are also becoming a company’s main exposure...
Due Diligence
Why beneficial ownership mattersAt the most fundamental level, financial services firms, and indeed all companies operating internationally, need to have confidence that the third parties that they deal with are who they say they are. Not only does doing due diligence assure compliance with the raft of national and international anti-money laundering (AML), anti-bribery and corruption (ABC) and know your customer (KYC) regulation, but it also protects reputations. And increasingly, that matters.