Obtain essential guidance on California's Unfair Competition Law, including the purpose of the law, conduct that falls within its scope, parties that may bring an action under the law, potentially liable parties, and available remedies for violations. Read...
If your client is offering a price reduction, you’ll want to read this practice note and learn about the applicable laws prohibiting parties from disseminating false or misleading statements regarding the existence of, reasons for, or amount of price reductions...
Learn about best practices for ensuring that advertising is in compliance with the FTC's Endorsement Guides, including substantiation and disclosure requirements and guidance on social media influencers endorsements. Read now » Related Content ...
Learn about the legal requirements and implications associated with product labeling, the various sources for labeling requirements, unique product labeling obligations for certain industries and products, and source labeling requirements. Read now » ...
Learn more about multi-level marketing programs under the Federal Trade Commission Act, including the elements of such programs, compliance with the Act and risk mitigation, FTC enforcement, and distinctions between valid multi-level marketing plans and fraudulent...
Learn about the current legal status for the medical and recreational use of marijuana in all the states, including information about the state regulatory bodies that are responsible for its regulation, a summary of the laws, and information about decriminalization...
Learn about loyalty programs, which provide incentives in exchange for a customer's purchase commitment, including types of loyalty programs, antitrust implications, and guidance on minimizing the associated legal risks. Read now » Related Content...
Gain an understanding of the similarities and differences between setoff, recoupment, and counterclaims, how they can be utilized in commercial agreements, and their application to a buyer's right to deduction of damages in sale of goods transactions and in...
Gain knowledge of pertinent issues concerning comparative advertising, including legal considerations, the laws and agencies that enforce comparative advertising, and trademark considerations. Read now » Related Content Advertising and Promotion Fundamentals...
Explore guidance on the different articles of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), including for the sale of goods governed by Article 2, negotiable instruments governed by Article 3, documents of title under Article 7, and the creation and enforcement of security...
Learn about initiating and responding to advertising challenges brought before the National Advertising Division of the Better Business Bureau. Read now » Related Content Advertising Regulation Fundamentals Read an overview of major sources of advertising...
Use this state law comparison tool to learn about breach of contract actions in different states. Gain knowledge of the necessary elements for establishing a breach of contract claim in the states, what damages may be recoverable, equitable remedies that may be...
Obtain guidance for negotiating confidentiality agreements. This playbook template includes key provisions, drafting notes, and alternative language for unilateral confidentiality agreements from a disclosing party point of view. Download a copy to streamline your...
Learn about potential legal issues when conducting e-commerce transactions. This resource kit includes guidance for online businesses, including an overview of laws and regulations governing the validity of electronic signatures and notice and consent requirements...
Obtain step-by-step guidance for terminating a commercial contract. Learn about the different types of termination provisions, requirements for a valid termination, and other legal and practical considerations when terminating a contract. Read now » Related...