LexisNexis® Partnerships

In business, every advantage counts. That includes the competitive benefits that come from forming partnerships and alliances that bring new and innovative solutions to the market. And that's exactly what a partnership with LexisNexis® can deliver. 

LexisNexis offers an array of solutions targeted at the specific needs of departments across an enterprise, from Sales, Marketing and Communications to Procurement, Business Development and Strategic Planning.


An experienced partner

LexisNexis has a time-tested track record of offering critical content to companies around the globe. In fact, we've been helping businesses make smarter decisions since 1976 by utilising our unmatched collection of licensed news, web, social, media, regulatory, litigation and intellectual property content. LexisNexis is committed to developing relationships that can help push innovative solutions out to market, differentiate our businesses from the competitors and drive success for our shared customers.

By offering tagged and aggregated content from over 17K news publications and ~ 4 million news articles and social media feeds from LexisNexis, our alliance partners are able to deliver better products to their customers. 

Contact us to learn why companies such as Cision partner with LexisNexis and explore how a strategic alliance with us could benefit your organisation. Find out more.

Get in touch

E-Mail: middleeast@lexisnexis.com
Telephone number: +971 (0) 4 560 1200