Advancing Together

Stay in touch with Rule of Law developments in the Asia Pacific region

Advancing Together: June / July 2023

Well into 2023, and less than a year since ChatGPT redefined artificial intelligence standards everywhere, the debate around understanding how technology continues to transform the world we experience shows no signs of abating. A multitude of questions continue to unpack the role that industry should play, in addition to how the government, organisations, and leaders can support, promote, and facilitate the safe, ethical, and responsible use of new technologies such as AI.

In this edition, however, we have chosen to feature a social impact newsroom dedicated to challenging the underrepresentation of young women in news and media worldwide.

Advancing Together: June 2022

In this edition we explore the recent surge in Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) focus in the corporate responsibility arena, as stakeholders including employees, customers, shareholders, third party suppliers and the community as a whole place growing expectations on companies to be ever more transparent about their operations that go beyond climate change and conservation of the environment.

Not entirely new as a concept, ESG embraces all that is not typically captured in mandates for financial or commercial reporting, but has picked up pace dramatically, globally, and locally. This new focus is causing quite a stir in Australia, as business and different industries try to anticipate regulation likely to emerge as priority for Governments everywhere.

In this addition we highlight articles from our contributors:

  • The future of ESG reporting and compliance
  • Drivers of ESG compliance
  • Unpacking food waste solutions
  • Four key factors impacting your ESG score
  • ESG, political and environmental hostage
  • Legal talk, human rights and technology
  • Why ESG risk should be top of your due diligence agenda

Advancing Together: December 2021

A concept in relentless evolution, advancing the rule of law is not a finite mission; it requires steady commitment, and disruption is one way that underpins its continuous expansion. We hope you enjoy this new edition of Advancing Together that looks at perspectives and opinions of some of the disruptors in our time who change things up with their start-ups, projects and initiatives.

Advancing Together: June 2021

The last 12-18 months have undoubtedly been difficult for people across the world. The impacts of the pandemic have been profound, affecting national economies, as well as our ability to work and socialise. We at LexisNexis remain committed to our Rule of Law efforts and share with you our June 2021 digest of Advancing Together.

Advancing Together: June 2020

We are proud of our Rule of Law activities and support to our customers during the COVID-19 pandemic in the first half of 2020. We hope you enjoy this new edition of Advancing Together featuring the Australian Human Rights Commission, and topics such as Artificial Intelligence, modern slavery, privacy, disinformation and good governance.

Advancing Together: December 2019

Featuring discussions on legal innovation and data encryption legislation, social media, and the challenges of cyber – as well as updates on the Rule of Law Foundation and other partnerships

Advancing Together: June 2019

On how the rule of law plays into climate change, water and ocean governance, nuclear weapons, and immigration – featuring updates on LexisNexis’ work with Fiji.

Advancing Together: December 2018

Featuring updates on the ethics of using technology in law, blockchain land registries in India and the function of the rule of law in a post-truth and alternative facts society.

Advancing Together: June 2018

Featuring updates on  gender equality in Australian workplaces, the road to  Indigenous reconciliation, Sustainable Development Goals and more.

Advancing Together: December 2017

Featuring updates on gender and marriage equality in Australia, the future of Southeast Asia and more.

Advancing Together: June 2017

Featuring updates on RightsApp, Awards, Practical Guidance Social Justice and more.

Advancing Together: December 2016

Featuring updates on Myanmar's corporate regulation, Community Legal Centres and more.

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