Content Sharing and Promoting your Article

This page outlines the LexisNexis content sharing policy and how you can promote your work to increase your visibility within the legal or academic communities.

Sharing and promoting your work are essential elements of legal research. These actions facilitate the dissemination of legal knowledge and allows your work to play a meaningful role in broader legal progress. Effective promotion of your work and research can also lead to more citations, which can enhance your professional reputation.

Content Sharing


This refers to a manuscript that has not yet been peer reviewed, nor had any publisher value-add (formatting, copy-editing, technical enhancements).

Authors may share their pre-print manuscript any time via their Social Science Research Network (SSRN), their non-commercial personal website or blog, their university’s website or on other non-commercial open access repositories.

Authors may not share their pre-print manuscript with another publisher for consideration and subsequent publication, nor to a commercial website, blog or open access repository.

Accepted Manuscript

This refers to a manuscript that has been accepted for publication and which typically includes author-incorporated changes suggested during submission, peer review and editor-author communications. They do not include other publisher value-add such as copy-editing, formatting, technical enhancements and pagination.

Authors can share their accepted manuscript immediately via their Social Science Research Network (SSRN), their non-commercial personal website or blog, their university’s website or on other non-commercial open access repositories.

Authors must include an acknowledgement that the published version of their work will be published by LexisNexis and include a ‘forthcoming’ citation, for example, (2023) 50 Aust Bar Rev (forthcoming).

Authors may not share their accepted manuscript with another publisher for consideration and subsequent publication, nor to a commercial website, blog or open access repository.

Published Journal Article

A published journal article is the final published manuscript that appears or will appear in the journal and includes all publisher value-add such as copy-editing, formatting, pagination and online enrichment.

There is a 24-month embargo period on all published work from the date LexisNexis first publishes the work. After this period authors can share their published journal article via their Social Science Research Network (SSRN), their non-commercial personal website or blog, their university’s website or on other non-commercial open access repositories.

Authors must include an acknowledgement that the published version was published by LexisNexis and include the full citation.

Authors may not share their published journal article with another publisher for consideration and subsequent publication, nor to a commercial website, blog or open access repository.

Promoting your Article

LexisNexis encourages all authors to responsibly share their abstract only to social media such as LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook. Authors must include an acknowledgement that the published version of the Work is published by LexisNexis and the full legal citation of the published Work is included in the acknowledgement.

Authors will be given a link to their work on the LexisNexis research platform Lexis Advance. This link may be shared, however only those with a subscription to Lexis Advance will have access to the full article.

Authors may tag LexisNexis so we can help promote your work via our network, when possible.