Our core modules cover compliance obligations and actions required of most Australian organisations.
Anti-Bribery and Corruption
Organisations risk exposure to criminal liability as well as facing significant penalties for non-compliance with the various anti-bribery laws. Significant commercial implications such as reputational damage and potential civil action from shareholders can also result. This module not only outlines your organisation’s obligations, but also provides practical guidance on steps you can take to ensure that your bribery and corruption risks are identified and minimised.
Competition & Consumer
A complex and ever-changing area of law, this module provides you with a practical explanation of your obligations with regard to your customers, and how you can meet them.
This module provides guidance on your compliance obligations, from setting up and operating your company through to winding it down. We have reviewed all key legislation administered by ASIC and other key government bodies. The module also includes coverage of the ASX listing rules.
Covering all jurisdictions, this module uncovers your compliance obligations across the entire employment life cycle – from recruitment to employment contract obligations, right through to fair treatment in the workplace and more.
Environmental law is one of the main areas of compliance applying to all industries. The Environment module outlines your obligations regulated by Commonwealth, State and Territory authorities and covers key topics such as Approvals, Licensing, Audits, Water and Air Emissions among others.
Privacy & Data Protection
Regardless of which industry you are in, privacy and data protection issues affect us all. The Privacy and Data Protection module identifies and guides your organisation through the compliance obligations surrounding the secure collection, management and maintenance of personal information within the Australian legal framework.
By sourcing all jurisdictions across Australia, this module has been designed to make you and your staff aware of how business activities may affect your organisation’s tax obligations.
Workplace Health & Safety
Everyone has legal responsibilities to protect the health and safety of people in the workplace. Covering all Australian jurisdictions, this module outlines the duties of organisations, workers and other relevant parties with respect to workplace health and safety.