Lexis Red™ - Android FAQs
Downloading and accessing Lexis Red™
How do I download the application?
Information on how to download our applications can be found here.
How do I gain access to Lexis Red™?
You can download the Lexis Red™ application for Android, free of charge.
What devices can I access Lexis Red™ on?
The Lexis Red™ application can be downloaded and accessed on a compatible mobile device.
What are the minimum system requirements for the iPad/laptop versions of Lexis Red™?
What are the minimum system requirements for the tablet versions of Lexis Red™?
Platform | OS Requirements | Minimum screen size | Device type |
Android | 4.4+ | 8 inch | Tablet |
Device limit
Users are entitled to access Lexis Red™ on two devices only. You might get this message "Device limit reached" when attempting to log in to a third device. Please contact Customer Support for assistance - +852 2179 7888
Can I sync between different devices?
Yes, you can sync between different devices.
I'm having trouble installing the application. What do I do?
If you need assistance installing the application, please contact the LexisNexis Customer Support Team on +852 2179 7888 or email help.hk@lexisnexis.com.
I am unable to download the installation files and/or content. What should I do?
If you are unable to download the installation files it could be due to your network firewall or network proxy blocking the download. Some networks prevent the download of software installation files to prevent the spread of malware. Contact your IT department to check if this is the reason for being unable to download the software.
Updating publications
How do I download and update my publications?
You will need to download each title individually. Simply press the "Download" button displayed on each looseleaf. If you are downloading via a 3G connection you may be warned that the download is large and be advised to use a WiFi connection. There is no requirement to use WiFi as the content will download quickly over 3G.
Online / offline access
I'm having trouble installing the application. What do I do?
If you need assistance installing the application, please contact the LexisNexis Customer Support Team on +852 2179 7888 or email help.hk@lexisnexis.com.
I am unable to download the installation files and/or content. What should I do?
If you are unable to download the installation files it could be due to your network firewall or network proxy blocking the download. Some networks prevent the download of software installation files to prevent the spread of malware. Contact your IT department to check if this is the reason for being unable to download the software.
How can I give feedback on my Lexis Red™ experience?
We'd love to hear your thoughts on Lexis Red™, or any of our new and existing LexisNexis solutions.
Please call our Customer Services Team on +852 2179 7888 or speak to your account manager.
Contact Us
E-mail: marketing.hk@lexisnexis.com
Telephone number: +852 2179 7888