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Welcome to place your order through different channels
How do I place an order?
For Textbook, you may directly purchase via our LexisNexis online eStore
For Looseleaf, Major works or International Titles, submitting the sales enquiry form
Note: A written, signed order is required for subscription services, encyclopaedic works and report services
When long will it take to delivery my books?
If you place the order via sales or order form:
For Local titles: 3 – 5 days
For International titles: 4 – 6 weeks
If you place the order via Estore
Click here for details
What should I do if I lost some pages in my loose-leaf?
You can fax the Missing Page Claims Form to us at +852 2976 0840
Download Missing Page Claims Form
Is there any charge incurred in missing pages?
It depends on the no. of pages; we will provide the quotation to you if charge occurs.
How long does it take for import titles’ claims?
It takes 4-6 weeks for internal processing.
Contact Us
Telephone number: +852 2179 7888