
Oui! LexisNexis offers you legal information in French with the Juris Classeur research database.

LexisNexis® JurisClasseur

Your French-language legal database

LexisNexis® Juris Classeur offers a "Standard Search" that is anything but standard. Find exclusive and reliable French-language legal information that includes jurisprudence, laws and journals. If you're a lawyer doing business in France, Belgium and/or Luxembourg, then this robust and easy-to-use library will help you to get the job done.

Enhanced legal capabilities – in French

LexisNexis Juris Classeur puts the most current French-language information within your grasp. Review our extensive case law collection that includes more than 1.2 million available decisions. Next to that our broad journal and records collection puts more than 130 journals and 150,000 bibliographic records in your hands. Our advanced technology is incredibly straightforward, meaning you waste no time in researching what you need and finding what you want when you want it.

Why buy LexisNexis Juris Classeur

Why buy LexisNexis® Juris Classeur

  • Efficient and effective
  • Most current legislation
  • Best legal expertise

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