Regulatory Compliance

Industry Modules

Legal obligations and alerting solutions covering all regulations for
your industry. Used in combination with our core modules,
your entire legal landscape is covered.

Anti-Money Laundering & Counter-Terrorism Financing

Organisations offering designated services are faced with a multitude of money laundering and terrorism financing risks. The Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism module assists reporting entities (other than remittance network providers, hotels and gaming venues) with their regulatory compliance with practical guidance on the identification, mitigation and the management of their money laundering and terrorism financing risks.

Bank & Non-Bank Deposit Takers

The Bank & Non-Bank Deposit Takers module explains the key governance, prudential and reporting obligations of both banks and NBDTs. Readers will understand the licensing and registration processes that allow financial institutions to operate in the New Zealand market. They will know the source and scope of prudential requirements and understand how to meet them. They will master the reporting cycle; knowing what information to retain, what information to disclose, and how to do it all within the relevant deadlines.

Credit Reporting

The Credit Reporting module provides an overview of the law that governs credit reporting bodies’ and tenancy database operators’ handling of personal information. Credit Reporters in New Zealand have obligations to handle information in a way that respects and protects the privacy of the individuals to whom that information relates. They must comply with the Privacy Act 2020 (NZ) as modified by the Credit Reporting Privacy Code 2020 (NZ).

Cyber Security

Organisations’ critical infrastructure systems are essential to their bottom line, ability to innovate and daily operations. It is an important part of an organisation’s overall risk management framework. The Cybersecurity module uses the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework to show how organisations can implement governance structures to align and prioritise their cybersecurity activities with their business requirements, risk appetite and resources. The module will also draw on guidance from Australia, the European Union, United Kingdom and the United States given the often extra-jurisdictional impact of cybersecurity activities and consequences.

Financial Services for Corporate & Institutional Clients

The Financial Services for Corporate and Institutional Clients module assists organisations to understand and comply with their obligations as Financial Service Provider (FSPs) as well as the obligations that apply to specific service providers such as financial advisors, brokers, non-bank deposit takers, credit unions, building societies, registered banks, issuers of insurance, financial product market operators, and market service providers. The module also includes information on the broader requirements which may affect businesses that offer financial services such as the rules relating to dealing in financial products and dealing on financial markets.

Financial Services for Retail Clients

The Financial Services for Retail Clients module covers a range of obligations relevant to businesses that operate within the financial services industry in New Zealand. The module pertains specifically to businesses that provide services to customers that are retail clients. This module summarises the legal obligations in relation to the following issues registration of financial service providers (FSP), dispute resolution schemes for financial service provider, fair dealing in relation to financial products and services and disclosure of offers of financial products.

General Insurance

The general insurance industry is accountable to a number of regulators and must comply with a raft of obligations arising from legislation, prudential standards and industry codes of conduct. The General Insurance module assists an insurer to navigate the regulatory landscape by providing guidance on the obligations that arise from applying for and keeping licenses/authorisations, dealing with consumers and government mandated reporting and how to meet these obligations.


The KiwiSaver module sets out the operational requirements an organisation must meet in order to be a voluntary superannuation scheme that members can join or be enrolled in by their employer. The scheme makes investments on behalf of its members with the fund to be paid out when the member meets the qualifying age or when the member is eligible to withdraw.

Life Insurance

The life insurance industry is accountable to a number of regulators and must comply with a raft of obligations arising from legislation, prudential standards and industry codes of conduct. The Life Insurance module assists a life business to navigate the regulatory landscape by providing guidance on the obligations that arise from applying for and keeping licenses/authorisations, dealing with consumers and government mandated reporting and how to meet these obligations.

New Zealand Listing Rules

The NZX Listing Rules module informs issuers that list securities on the NZX markets of their legal obligations under the NZX Listing Rules and suggests policies and procedures to ensure compliance with these requirements. The module pertains to issuers of debt, equity and fund securities, NZX foreign except issuers, issuers of wholesale debt securities, and issuers of certain other financial products. The module assists organisations to understand and comply with their obligations relating to issuer operations, including duties related to listing and quotation, disclosure and governance.

Facilities Management

The New Zealand Facilities Management module is crafted to guide organizations through their legal obligations in various aspects of facility management. It covers responsibilities in design, construction, and structural changes to buildings, as well as managing employees and contractors. The module also addresses safety and security measures, major hazard facilities, and residential tenancies. Additionally, it aids in compliance with key legislative requirements, including workplace health and safety, smoking and vaping prohibitions, environmental protection, energy efficiency, radiation and electricity management, waste and water management, fire safety, emergency management, and more.

New Zealand Sanctions

The New Zealand Sanctions module offers comprehensive guidance to organisations, outlining their legal obligations pertaining to both domestic and international sanctions. It specifically focuses on the sanctions imposed by New Zealand and other relevant international sanctions that impact New Zealand organizations engaged in interactions involving goods, services, or organisations beyond New Zealand's borders.

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