Learning Options
Our Learning Consultants provide learning options tailored to meet your needs and skill set. Our sessions compliment the online learning resources and will guide you through each step, focusing on content, navigation, key functionality and search techniques as well as how to efficiently work with your results. In addition we also offer Consulting and Advice sessions to assist in aligning our learning solutions to your business priorities. CLE/CPD points may be gained by attending our sessions or through utilising our online learning resources. Please refer to the CLE/CPD Governing Body of your State as to the number of points you are able to claim.
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Group Session: In-Office or Remote
These sessions can be conducted at your office in a group in any space where we can set up a screen. Sessions can be a live demonstration by the trainer or a task-based workshop where attendees can bring a laptop and work through search scenarios.
Group sessions can also be conducted as live remote training sessions for convenience, due to geographical restrictions or if you work from home

Floor Walking Session: In-Office
A Learning Consultant spends a quick few minutes at each person’s desk helping with individual needs, often useful for follow-up sessions (i.e. customising the user’s homepage, Sources list, or setting up alerts to automatically email new cases, regulations or other necessary content).

1:1 Session: In-Office or Remote
Individual bespoke sessions. For example, a 1:1 session might be for a new user, a refresher session or an advanced session for an existing user.

Drop-In Session
A Learning Consultant is able to work with individuals from a centralised location such as a conference room or library to answer quick questions. Committing in advance via the sign-up sheet, users simply visit when it is convenient within the timeframe to ask their questions.

These are convenient group or individual sessions combining desktop sharing with phone conferencing enabling you to both see and hear the Learning Consultant as they move through the product step-by-step – an extremely popular option as there is no need to leave your desk!

Consulting & Advise
These sessions will allow us to align our learning solutions to your business priorities to develop tools to identify learning gaps, make recommendations, and provide national learning coverage to bridge skill gaps.