What is LexRead™?
LexRead™ is the future of reading in the digital age. Accessing and reading professional content has never been easier or more convenient on this cross-platform eBook reader.
With modern reader and library management features, LexRead allows you to browse, download, or purchase a book at anytime and anywhere. Not only can you personalise your reading experience by creating notes, adding highlights, and bookmarking pages, you can also share them by downloading, copying, or printing content directly from the Reader.
Why Choose LexRead™?
Save More
No more wear and tear on physical books means books last longer without needing replacement.
Library On-The-Go
Be assured that you are referring to authoritative and up-to-date content when crafting your advice with a library at your fingertips.
Free Up Space
LexRead gives libraries the opportunity to expand collections at a lower cost without additional shelf space requirements and without the usual asset management worries that come with managing a physical library.
Personalised Reading Experience
Save annotations, notes, bookmarks, and highlights to your own user account and bring them with you. Zoom in or out to size the pages to your preference, categorise your eBooks by practice area, or alphabetically to your liking.
Get Started With Your Own Library
Build your own online library with cherry-picked content to bring you fresh
insights and analysis. Stay on top of legal developments with the latest legal titles.