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In Fight Over SB 1070, Arizona Makes an All-Too-Familiar Case to the Supreme Court

February 08, 2012 (1 min read)

"The Supreme Court case involving Arizona SB 1070 has officially entered the home stretch. On Friday, the Justices announced that oral arguments will take place on the fourth Wednesday in April, making it the final case to be heard this term. Yesterday, Arizona filed its much-anticipated brief at the Supreme Court, laying out its legal defense of the four provisions currently blocked by a preliminary injunction. To make its case to the Court, Arizona retained renowned attorney Paul Clement, a former Solicitor General who is simultaneously handling the legal challenge to the Affordable Care Act. But while the state may have brought in new lawyers, much of its brief reads like an all-to-familiar “study” from an anti-immigration organization." - Ben Winograd, Feb. 7, 2012.
