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American Husband Murdered for Following 'Rule of Law'

February 10, 2012 (1 min read)

"Tania Nava has one piece of advice for anyone seeking to come out of the shadows and pursue a path to U.S. citizenship: don't do it. She says her decision to become a legal citizen is one of the reasons her husband was murdered. "I should've stayed illegal this whole time," the 21-year old widow said. "Jake would still be here." Jake Reyes-Neal, an American citizen, had traveled to Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, last year to protect his wife as she waited for the long, complicated process to attain U.S. citizenship. Instead, Reyes-Neal -- who had never been to Mexico and didn't speak Spanish -- became one of the thousands of homicide victims in Juarez as his family watched helplessly." - CNN, Feb. 9, 2012.