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Cal. Sup. Ct. Considering Undocumented Bar Applicant

June 11, 2012 (1 min read)

"When the state Supreme Court asked for briefing on whether an undocumented immigrant can be admitted as a lawyer in California, it didn't ask simple questions. ... [T]he court also asked for briefing on any "legal and public policy limitations" on an undocumented immigrant's ability to practice and on "other public policy concerns" raised by the overall issue. "They went beyond the legal issues to the policy issues," said Stephen W. Yale-Loehr, an immigration professor at Cornell Law School.  The court encouraged amicus briefs and in particular asked the state and U.S. attorneys general to weigh in.  The request for amicus briefs is certain to bear fruit.  Michael A. Olivas, an expert on immigration and higher education law at the University of Houston Law Center, said he anticipates participating in a brief in the case, perhaps with a group of other immigration lawyers or professors." Los Angeles Daily Journal, May 18, 2012.