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Will Evangelicals Provide CIR Boost?

December 04, 2012 (1 min read)

"Richard Land endorsed Mitt Romney, opposes same-sex marriage and abortion rights, and is a leader in one of the nation's largest organizations of Southern Baptists.  But on Tuesday he and other conservative Christians - as well as antitax leader Grover Norquist - will be in Washington to lobby for a major goal of President Obama's second term: opening the path to citizenship for immigrants.  It's the right thing to do from a moral perspective, say Land and other evangelical Christian leaders.  But after Obama won 71 percent of the Latino vote, Land, a onetime President George W. Bush federal appointee, acknowledged the political rationale behind backing immigration reform: "It's called reality."  Conservative evangelical Christians are a rock-solid part of the GOP political base, so when they talk, Republicans listen." - San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 2, 2012.