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New MAVNI Lawsuit: Kirwa v. DoD

September 03, 2017 (1 min read)

Kirwa v. DoD, filed Sept. 1, 2017 - "Plaintiffs bring this action on behalf of themselves and similarly-situated United States soldiers who are the victims of a misguided and unlawful attempt to deprive them of their right to seek United States citizenship. As non-citizen soldiers serving honorably during wartime, Plaintiffs have an absolute statutory right to apply to become naturalized U.S. citizens, but Defendants are refusing to certify their naturalization application eligibility as required by law, leaving these soldiers to languish in immigration limbo, notwithstanding their ongoing military service to this Nation. Defendants’ actions are contrary to law and lack the honor, loyalty, and respect that Defendants owe to these Plaintiff-soldiers. ... Defendants’ policy of withholding issuance of N-426s has no lawful basis and contravenes their duty to act. And Defendants have implemented this policy in blatant disregard for the immense suffering and mounting harm that their actions have caused to soldiers under their command."