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Almost 20 Years Ago...

May 26, 2023 (1 min read)

In the July 4, 2004 issue of Bender's Immigration Bulletin I published this essay.  As we head into the long weekend...and an even longer 2024 election cycle in which immigration will loom might be useful to review how we got here.  Here are the opening and closing paragraphs:

"If legislation could take out personal ads, the most forlorn entry would read: "CIR Seeks PLS": Comprehensive Immigration Reform seeks Perfect Legislative Storm. ... The next round of (positive) comprehensive immigration reform will require a perfect storm with the following elements: presidential leadership willing to stand up to the restrictionist Right; congressional compromise (as exemplified by AgJobs) demonstrating a preference for action over posturing; and an educated public willing to accept a more rational immigration system as the price for abolishing what is, in effect, a national “plantation” system, with 10 million human beings acting as our less-than-equal servants.  Flashing back to 1965, LBJ and the last (positive) perfect legislative storm calls to mind another gem from that year, Bob Dylan’s Subterranean Homesick Blues: “...I’m on the pavement, thinkin’ ‘bout the government.”