This release updates some of the icons used on Lexis Advance.
ArticleThis release adds the ability to receive alerts to new Practical Guidance Legal Updates, streamlines the product switcher and adds internatioanl legislation sanapshot to the QuickFind pod.
ArticleThis release streamlines some publication names in the Publications Pod and includes other enhancements.
ArticleThis release introduces the option to view an international cases snapshot in results returned by the Quick Find Pod, and search term maps for all APAC international content sharing countries.
ArticleThis release features the release of Data Visualisations in LawNow to show citation patterns for specific provisions, the roll-out of 'Did you mean' suggestions, the option to 'Include all terms' where terms are missing from some search results, and the introduction of the UK Cases Advanced Search Form.
ArticleThis release features navigational and Digital Library enhancements, search bug fixes and options for external links.
ArticleThis release features the release of the Similar Issues pod in CaseBase, the International Cases advanced search form, the display of terms missing from search results with the option to include those terms, and the addition of a breadcrumb trail in secondary materials results pages.
ArticleThe new release includes the introduction of the ability to search within LawNow Plus Legislation Citator and LexCite documents, "did you mean" suggestions to correct possible typos, and an indication of any search terms not appearing in a search result.
ArticleIncludes a new feature walkthrough, updated help guides, bookmarking, resetting a password on new hardware, and changes to the Settings menu.
ArticleUpdates to login screen, publications screen, annotations screen and Digital Library.
ArticleThe new release was launched on 9 February 2019 and included the introduction of the graphical view of search terms and a new CaseBase only download option.
ArticleThe new release was launched on 8 December 2018 and included LawNow's Similar Provisions feature and the decommissioning of web results.
ArticleThe new release was launched on 20 October 2018 and included the introduction of the Quick Find pod, the surfacing of forms and precedents in Research and new titles available on Lexis Advance.
ArticleThe new release was launched on 8 September 2018 and included the introduction of a breadcrumb trail in Practical Guidance documents, links to legislative provisions in search results and new publications available in Lexis Advance.