
Leslie Keegan



Leslie Keegan is a specialist in clinical negligence and personal injury cases. His medical expertise renders him particularly suitable to act for Claimants in cases involving serious brain injury or complex medical issues. Before coming to the Bar Leslie Keegan was a neurophysiologist. A former caseworker for AVMA, Leslie has been called to the Irish Bar. As well as running a very busy practice dealing with all aspects of clinical negligence and personal injury law, Leslie writes on clinical negligence issues and is frequently asked to speak on these issues. He lectured on the RCOG course for newly-qualified consultants and is a former member of the editorial board of Facts and Figures. He is a current member of the CPD Sub-Committee of the Bar Standards Board. Leslie is also a contributor to legal journals and to television & radio programmes on both sides of the Irish Sea. He acted for a number of claimants who obtained compensation from the Residential Institutions Redress Board in Ireland and he is supporting the survivors of the abuse in the Mother and Baby homes in Ireland and those who underwent the symphysiotomy procedure.

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