Updating linked PDFs

The Update Linked PDFs command allows you to update PDF files with CaseMap Bates stamps that are already linked to case records, but did not contain CaseMap Bates stamps. CaseMap will update the existing records with the new Bates range and page count information.

When you run this process, CaseMap assumes that you used either the optional CaseMap plug-in PLUS for Adobe® Acrobat or Acrobat v8.0+ to apply CaseMap or Acrobat Bates stamps to the PDF files after you linked them to records in the case.




This feature does not work with Adobe® Reader. You must have Adobe® Acrobat v6.0+ (Standard or Professional) to run this utility.


hmtoggle_plus1To update linked PDFs
1.Filter the spreadsheet to include only those documents you want to update.
2.Under File Tasks, on the Case Tools ribbon, click Update Linked PDFs.
3.In the message box to confirm the process, click OK.
4.In the Batch Processing - Review Linked Files dialog box, review the list of PDF files you are updating.

Batch Processing - Review Linked Files dialog box

If you want to delete a file from the list, select it and click the Remove button.

If you want to review a file before copying it, select it and click the Open button.

5.Click OK to update the documents.

Acrobat now launches.

6.When the Send PDFs to CaseMap utility opens, click Next.
7.In the Select the PDF files you want to send to CaseMap dialog box, review the selected PDF files to update, then click Next.

If you need to delete a file(s) from the listing simply select it and click the Remove File or Remove All buttons.

If you need to review the file contents before the import, select it and click the View PDF button.

8.In the Confirm CaseMap case and spreadsheet dialog box, review the case and spreadsheet you are sending the updated files into, then click Next.
9.In the Choose Document field mappings box, select the CaseMap spreadsheet fields you want to map with the file's PDF values.

Import Wizard > Choose Document field mappings box

10.Select the Set Object Short Name to PDF Bates Begin # check box, if you want this option.
11.Select the Overwrite existing destination CaseMap field values with PDF values check box, if you want this option, then click Next.
12.In the Review and begin sending to CaseMap dialog box, review the summary, then click Finish.
13.In the message box to confirm the update, click OK.

The case records that are linked to the PDF files are now updated with the Bates numbers and page count.


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Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at: casemap.support@lexisnexis.com, or contact a support representative at 800.543.6862 (Option 2, then Option 4). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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