Importing NoteMap outlines

A companion product of CaseMap, NoteMap® is an outlining tool that offers many features that allow you to produce outlines in ways a traditional word processing program does not. You can send data from any CaseMap spreadsheet directly to a NoteMap outline and import a NoteMap outline into the Issues spreadsheet of CaseMap.

To learn more about NoteMap® and download a free 30-day trial version at or contact your LexisNexis Sales Representative at 866-316-8525.


hmtoggle_plus1To import a NoteMap outline into a case
1.In NoteMap, open the outline you want to import.
2.Click on the title note for the outline.
3.Click the Copy button on the Standard toolbar.
4.In CaseMap, click on the File menu and then click Import > Issues from NoteMap.
5.In the Import NoteMap Issue Outline dialog box, review the import overview.

Import NoteMap Issue Outline dialog box

6.Clear the check box for any issues that you do not want to import.
7.Click OK to initiate the import.

Imported issues are added below any pre-existing issues in the case. You can reorganize the Issues spreadsheet after the data is imported.

8.In the message box indicating the numbers of records being imported, click Yes.
9.In the message box indicating a successful import, click OK.

You can now reorganize the issue outline, as needed.


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