Tracking user history

As the case develops, you may want to track use history of case staff and the number of active users working in the case. Any time a user opens a case, CaseMap automatically creates a record in the Case File Properties box > Use History tab. CaseMap stamps this record with the user name, user's computer name, and the date and time when the case was opened and closed. Any replica copies of the case are also tracked here by user.


hmtoggle_plus1To track use history and current users
1.On the File menu, click Properties.
2.Click on the Use History tab to track user history in the case, including date/time stamps for data entry updates, and any replica copies a case staff may currently be working in.



Select the Sort by Full Name check box to sort users by full name. Clear the check box to sort by date and time and display the last user to log on to the case.


3.Click on the Current Users tab to track how many users are currently logged into a case.
4.Click Close when you are finished.


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