State Net | Capitol Journal

State Net | Capitol Journal
State Net | Capital Journal
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  • Blog Post: Governors In Brief - April 20 2015

    In an effort to combat air pollution in southern OREGON, Gov. Kate Brown (D) announced she will authorize the use of state funds to pay for residents in two downstate counties to swap out their old woodstoves and fireplaces for newer, more efficient models that don’t burn wood. The program begins...
  • Blog Post: More Govs Join Climate Alliance

    Nine more states last week joined the newly-created U.S. Climate Alliance, a coalition to uphold the tenets of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement, an international coalition aimed at combatting the impacts of global climate change. The coalition was formed by Gov. Jerry Brown of California, Jay Inslee...
  • Blog Post: Governors in Brief - September 16 2019

    VA GOV VOWS END TO LAWSUITS AGAINST PATIENTS VIRGINIA Gov. Ralph Northam (D) said he would work with University of Virginia James Ryan to end the widespread practice of aggressively pursuing former patients for unpaid medical bills. A recent investigation by Kaiser Health News revealed that that UVA...