State Net | Capitol Journal

State Net | Capitol Journal
State Net | Capital Journal
Tagged Content List
  • Blog Post: Lawmakers Look to End Harassment Under the Dome

    What started as a flood of allegations of sexual harassment and assault against powerful Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein has morphed into an ever-widening outcry against such outrages regularly committed by men in all workplaces, including statehouses. And as an expanding chorus of female lawmakers...
  • Blog Post: Many States Taken Action but Many Yet to Act on Wayfair Ruling

    When the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in June that a law passed by South Dakota had freed it from a longstanding legal precedent barring states from imposing sales taxes on internet and mail-order retailers that did not have a physical presence within their borders, some predicted there would be a flurry...
  • Blog Post: Democrats Gain in State Elections

    Buoyed by the votes of suburban women and independents, Democrats gained hard-won ground in the nation’s statehouses in Tuesday’s midterm election. Democrats won seven governorships and six legislative chambers previously held by Republicans. They also took outright control of...
  • Blog Post: States Save for Inevitable Rainy Day

    Many states have learned lessons from the Great Recession of 2007-09 and are better prepared for the next economic downturn, according to findings by the National Association of State Budget Officers (NASBO) and other analysts. “Rainy day funds are growing as a share of state budgets,”...