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Living the Story: Undocumented Pulitzer-Winning Journalist Pushes Reform

April 25, 2012 (1 min read)

"Speaking to journalists with The Institute for Justice and Journalism at a conference at the University of Oklahoma this week, Vargas explained that since his "coming out" as undocumented, he is not legally able to be employed. Of course, almost 12 million people in the United States are undocumented, and most of them are employed—using fake Social Security numbers, working under the table or other situations. But given the high-profile nature of Vargas’s revelation, it's unlikely any employer who knows how to use Google would hire him.

But Vargas has not been sitting home twiddling his thumbs since revealing that he is undocumented and hence legally unemployable. He has been working harder than ever, traveling the country and doing 60 talks in 10 months in his bid to expand and facilitate dialogue around immigration and specifically what it means to be American." - Kari Lydersen, Apr. 24, 2012.