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Advancing Together: June 2020

Hello and welcome to the June 2020 edition of Advancing Together.

The LexisNexis leadership team are immensely appreciative of what we have achieved and how we have supported our customers during the COVID-19 pandemic in the first half of this year. We have also shown remarkable resilience throughout these challenging times which we are also justifiably proud of. As we thoughtfully prepare for office reopens, the safety and wellbeing of our people of course remains our top priority.

We have pursued a number of innovative ways to better support our customers. We have developed a dedicated COVID-19 Information Hub for the legal community to keep them on top of the pandemic crisis, providing insights on legal and emerging legislative issues, news, relevant articles, business continuity updates and more. This COVID-19 Information Hub can be found at

We have also developed and made available complimentary practical resources to help legal professionals through the evolving pandemic crisis. There are over 120 high-value items added to the Australian COVID-19 Practical Guidance Toolkit which contains a curated collection of guidance materials and infographics related to the current pandemic.

For our customers who purchased print content, whilst physical access in person to print libraries has been difficult we have also provisioned free digital versions of their print products until 30th June 2020. Given the continued restrictions and work from home conditions that remain in place for the majority of our Australian customers, we have decided to extend the format shift digital access to the 31st July 2020.

As one of the four major partners working with the Australian Human Rights Commission, we are also excited to move into the final stages of the Human Rights and Technology project with submissions to the final discussion paper now closed.  As part of the Expert Reference Group, LexisNexis continues to work with industry leaders, civil society, government and the academic community to find a way to advance human rights protection in the context of unprecedented technological change. It considers how law, policy, incentives and other measures can promote and protect human rights in respect of new and emerging technologies.

Following a very successful visit to the Cook Islands in January, we are well underway in preparing a report on not only consolidating an official set of legislation but also ensuring that a methodology is put in place to keep laws up to date for the future.  We thank the Crown Solicitor’s office for their partnership in this.

We continue to work with the Ministry of Justice and Border Control to consolidate the laws of the Republic of Nauru and look forward to finalising the project with them towards the end of the year.

We were fortunate enough to work on the Fiji Law Reports over the last 6 years and are sad to hear of the recent passing of the Honourable Justice Suresh Chandra, chair of the Law Reporting Committee in Fiji. Justice Chandra was instrumental in ensuring that authoritative case law was available to the legal profession and judiciary in Fiji and his leadership and support will be missed.

During these unprecedented and uncertain times, we thank you for your continued support and partnership. We trust that you have remained safe and well throughout.

We hope you enjoy this new edition of Advancing Together and look forward to bringing you more updates in the future about our initiatives and how we can continue to advance the rule of law around the globe.