Today’s PR specialists shoulder many responsibilities—but there is perhaps nothing more fundamental to a successful communications strategy than ongoing media monitoring. After all, how can you accurately measure the effectiveness of your key messages or conduct...
As a philanthropic development professional, you are always looking for new avenues to identify potential grants, high-value donors, and philanthropy events that can unlock exciting prospect opportunities. In addition to the traditional prospect research tools...
Social media statistics are one of the most underrated areas of insight when it comes to marketing and public relations. Because this medium is one of the easiest ways to interact with fan bases, it holds countless pieces of information that can be used across...
A McKinsey article on use of AI in the nsurance industry calls data and analytics capabilities “table stakes” in the sector in Europe and North America. The article notes that “External data are the ‘fuel’ that is unlocking the value of artificial intelligence...
With all the time and effort it takes to create a media campaign; it's essential to understand who you're reaching and how the public responds to your message. Measuring this through media intelligence gives you a clear picture of your effectiveness in attracting...
All modern-day businesses interface with metadata, whether they know it or not. Any time a company engages with digital information, they have engaged with metadata. But, what exactly is metadata? And, wouldn’t it be more useful if you could readily identify it...