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MLJ Alerts: Nov 2024 (High Court)

The Malayan Law Journal Alerts is a complimentary blog series that brings the most recently published case reports powered by Lexis+® Malaysia.

Quote of the Month

“The COVID-19 Act does not expressly provide for such a right to be heard. This does not mean that the court is powerless. It is trite and established law that there is no necessity for a statute to expressly provide for such a right to be heard.”

- Amarjeet Singh J

Ng Kong Onn & Ors v Menteri Kesejahteraan Bandar, Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan & Anor [2024] 12 MLJ 125 at para 24

Week 1 Updates

1. Tan Tiang Huat & Anor v Lim Yee *** & Anor [2024] 12 MLJ 29 [HC]

Catchwords Civil Procedure — Transfer of action — High Court to High Court
Outcome Application allowed.
Counsel Names
  • Ng Siok Lyn (with Quah Zhe Ken) (Chung Chambers) for the plaintiffs.

  • Julie Ha (Tiong & Assoc) for the defendants.

2. Mohd Azizi bin Abu Naim v Tan Sri Dato’ Haji Mahiaddin bin Md Yasin (in his capacity as the President of Malaysian United Indigenous Party (BERSATU)) & Ors [2024] 12 MLJ 1 [HC]

Catchwords Civil Procedure — Injunction — Interim injunction
Outcome Application for interim injunction dismissed.
Counsel Names
  • SR Rajan Navaratnam (with Oazair Huneid Tyeb, Irdimah Syahira and Ain Zulaikha) (Shankar Govinth) for the plaintiff.

  • Chetan Jethwani (with Tang Jia Yearn) (Chetan Jethwani & Co) for the first and second defendants.

  • Awang Armadajaya Awang Mahamud (with Takiyudin Hassan, Nik Asma Bahrum Nik Abdullah, Wan Rohimi Wan Daud, Yusfarizal Yussof, Mohd Faizi Che Abu, Mohd Tajuddin Abd Razak and Adam Mohamed) (Kelantan State Legal Advisor Office) for the third defendant.

  • Ahmad Hanir Hambaly @ Arwi (with Kogilambigai Muthusamy) (Attorney General’s Chambers) for the fourth defendant.

Week 2 Updates

1. Government of The Lao People’s Democratic Republic v Thai-Lao Lignite (Thailand) Co Ltd (a Thai company) [2024] 12 MLJ 41 [HC]

Catchwords Arbitration — Award — Finality of arbitration proceedings
Outcome OS allowed.
Counsel Names
  • Cyrus Das (with Lam Ko Luen and Nina Lai Jian Xian) (Shook Lin & Bok) for the plaintiff.

  • Kwan Will Sen (with Wong Chee Chien) (Lim Chee Wee Partnership) for the defendant.

2. Pendakwa Raya lwn P Tech Resources Sdn Bhd [2024] 12 MLJ 82 [MT]

Catchwords Prosedur Jenayah — Rayuan — Rayuan terhadap hukuman
Outcome Rayuan pendakwa raya dibenarkan; hukuman denda dinaikkan dari RM40,000 kepada RM80,000 bagi setiap kes; rayuan syarikat tersebut ditolak.
Counsel Names
  • Khairul Azreem bin Mamat (Abdul Ghafar bin Ab Latif dan Nurliyana R Azmi bersamanya) (Timbalan Pendakwa Raya, Pejabat Penasihat Undang-Undang Negeri Johor) bagi pihak perayu.

  • Subramaniam Nair (Selvatharen bersamanya) bagi pihak responden.

Week 3 Updates

1. Ng Kong Onn & Ors v Menteri Kesejahteraan Bandar, Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan & Anor [2024] 12 MLJ 125 [HC]

Catchwords Civil Procedure — Judicial review — Application for
Outcome Both reliefs sought by applicants allowed.
Counsel Names
  • Wong Kok Leong (with Wong Renn Xin) (KL Wong) for the applicant.

  • Liew Horng Bin (Senior Federal Counsel, Attorney General’s Chambers) for the first respondent.

  • Ee Kah *** (with Hiew Yee Peng) (KF Ee & Co) for the second respondent.

2. Donnis Jikut (trading under the name and style of PP Engineering) v Brother’s Construction (M) Sdn Bhd [2024] 12 MLJ 138 [HC]

Catchwords Civil Procedure — Record of appeal — Filing of
Outcome Respondent’s preliminary objection allowed and appellant’s appeal struck out.
Counsel Names
  • Chen Wen Jye (Ram Singh Harbans & Co) for the plaintiff.

  • Song Wei Wan (Korventt & Song) for the defendant.

3. Pendakwa Raya lwn Linges a/l Ragunathan dan lain-lain kes [2024] 12 MLJ 99 [MT]

Catchwords Prosedur Jenayah — Pertuduhan — Pertuduhan cacat
Outcome Rayuan perayu dibenarkan; perintah majistret diketepikan; kes dikembalikan kepada mahkamah majistret di bawah s 316(a) KTJ.
Counsel Names
  • Syed Ahmed Khabir bin Abdul Rahman (Ain-Nur ‘Amiyerra Awod Abdullah bersamanya) (Jabatan Peguam Negara) bagi pihak perayu.

  • Khairul Anuar bin Abu Hasan Ashaari (Ahmad Zahid bin Abu Hashim bersamanya) (Khairul Anuar, Mazieera & Assoc) bagi pihak responden.

Week 3 Updates

1. PNSB Water Sdn Bhd v Menteri Kewangan Malaysia [2024] 12 MLJ 162 [HC]

Catchwords Administrative Law — Judicial review — Application for leave
Outcome Application dismissed.
Counsel Names
  • S Saravana Kumar (with Yap Wen ***) (Rosli Dahlan Saravana Partnership) for the applicant.

  • Liew Horng Bin (Senior Federal Counsel, Attorney General’s Chambers) for the Attorney General’s Chambers.

2. Teoh Chuan Aik & Anor v Wafong Credit Sdn Bhd & Anor [2024] 12 MLJ 152 [HC]

Catchwords Civil Procedure — Preliminary objection (‘PO’) — Objection to law firm representing party in suit
Outcome Preliminary objection dismissed without order as to costs.
Counsel Names
  • Gurbachan Singh a/l Bagawan Singh (Sandeep Gobindeep & Co) for the plaintiff.

  • Lim Ta Wai (with Mohammed Azmi bin Shahruddin) (Khong & Son); Cheong Yau Kheong (with Siti Aishah bt Mohamed Azahari) (BH Koh, Soong, Zarin & Partners) for the defendants.

3. Siva Kumar a/l Jeyapalan & Anor v Firwas Sdn Bhd [2024] 12 MLJ 179 [HC]

Catchwords Tort — Conspiracy — Conspiracy to defraud
Outcome Ordered accordingly.
Counsel Names
  • Selva Kumar (Rose Hussain) for the plaintiff in the main suit.

  • David Morais (with Pavitra Pillai, Sarah Jailany and Ellia Fatanah) (Shaikh David & Co) for the defendant in the main suit.

  • David Morais (with Pavitra Pillai, Sarah Jailany and Ellia Fatanah) (Shaikh David & Co) for the plaintiff in the counterclaim.

  • Selva Kumar (Rose Hussain) for the first and second defendants in the counterclaim.

  • Sivabalan (with Goh Wan Ping) (Mastura Partnership) for the third defendant in the counterclaim.

  • Dinesh Praveen Nair (Dinesh Praveen Nair) for the fourth defendant in the counterclaim.

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