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  • Mitigating the Existential Data Breach—Best (and Ethical) Practices | A LexisNexis® OnDemand Webinar

    Recording Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 | Duration: 95 minutes | VIEW NOW | By all accounts, corporate data security risks are only getting more frequent and more severe. New technologies and practices—cloud computing, mobile devices, big data analytics, global outsourcing and BYOD—give...
  • Big Data Governance | A LexisNexis® OnDemand Webinar

    Recording Date: Thursday, November 14, 2013 | Duration: 95 Minutes | VIEW NOW | During this dynamic Web presentation, distinguished panelists from all sides of the issue examine a range of critical data governance topics, including: Perceptions of Big Data across your enterprise–CIO to...
  • Surf’s Up! FTC Proclaims Lifeguard Role in Monitoring Big Data

    EDITH RAMIREZ, CHAIRWOMAN, FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION Corporate counsel can glean much about the government’s views on the regulation of big data from a speech delivered by Edith Ramirez, the Chairwoman of the Federal Trade Commission. Deliv ering a keynote address on Aug. 19, 2013, to the...
  • OPINION -- FTC Chief’s Big Data Speech Felt Like a Mandate for Industry

    By Alan L. Friel, Esq.; Chairman, Media & Technology Practice Group, Edwards Wildman Palmer LLP -- In her August 19, 2013 address to the Technology Policy Institute Aspen Forum, FTC Chairwoman Edit Ramirez suggested that the FTC should employ its unfairness authority to regulate the evolution...
  • Controlling E-Discovery Costs in a Big Data World

    as first published in the LexisNexis® e-discovery Brief Legal IT professionals are all too aware that the task of managing large mountains of data has always been a defining characteristic of our industry. Now that we've had to layer on the explosion of digital and social media content, we've...