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  • If You Sweat Over Regulatory Change, You May Want Some Spare Towels in 2015

    The specter of regulatory change is one of greatest causes of uncertainty among corporations today. Companies know well that immigration reform, health-care reform, finance reform, global warming and business conducted with foreign countries are issues garnering attention at the federal level....
  • Immigration and Your Company: Continuing the Mantra of Compliance

    Immigration reform is a story that has no conclusion. Another chapter is always being written. So, while reform is up in the air, and border crossings dominate the news, employers around the country must continue to operate under existing laws. Experts say it is more important than ever to be vigilant...
  • The Supreme Court Repeal of DOMA Section 3 and Its Effect on Immigration Law

    BY EVIE P. JEANG, IDEAL LEGAL GROUP INC. -- Recently, the Supreme Court found a part of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) unconstitutional. The case, United States v. Windsor , 133 S. Ct. 2675 (2013), actually involves estate taxes, but has direct ramifications on same-sex marriages and permanent...
  • Immigration Reform Finding It Difficult to Come to America

    President Obama wants sweeping immigration reform based on four pillars: 1) strong border security; 2) a streamlined legal immigration process; 3) earned citizenship; and 4) a crackdown on employers who hire undocumented workers. This summer the U.S. Senate passed S. 744, also called the Border Security...
  • Immigration Reform and the Workplace: An Overview of Legal and Legislative Developments | A LexisNexis® OnDemand Webinar

    Recording Date: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 | Duration: 95 minutes | VIEW NOW | Compliance with U.S. immigration laws demands constant vigilance by employers. From the upper echelon of any organization, through and including the rank and file, U.S. companies must employ lawful and non-discriminatory...