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  • Do You Need the Government to Tell You How to be Ethical with Big Data?

    By Kristin Casler, featuring Tim Keller of Lindquist & Vennum LLP and Robert Carver of Brandeis International Business School Regulators from all walks of government are anxious to exert some control over data use and privacy. While companies wait for guidance or restrictions, experts agree...
  • New Risks Posed by the “Internet of Things"

    The Internet of Things, or “IoT” as it is now called, is here. It must be; it has a Wikipedia page . It’s growing and evolving, and it’s supposed to change our lives in ways we can’t imagine. It’s the newest hot topic in the tech world. So what is the Internet of Things...
  • When Hackers Attack: Mitigating the Existential Data Breach Risk

    Retail businesses look forward to the holiday season as the pinnacle of their annual sales, with a strong finish spelling success for the coming year. With millions of transactions processing per day, the holidays present a ripe opportunity for hackers to breach corporate systems and steal valuable customer...
  • Mitigating the Existential Data Breach—Best (and Ethical) Practices | A LexisNexis® OnDemand Webinar

    Recording Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 | Duration: 95 minutes | VIEW NOW | By all accounts, corporate data security risks are only getting more frequent and more severe. New technologies and practices—cloud computing, mobile devices, big data analytics, global outsourcing and BYOD—give...
  • Privacy Trends, Lessons Learned from Breaches, and Understanding the “Ick Factor” in Big Data Analysis

    BY JOHN KROPF, DEPUTY COUNSEL FOR PRIVACY & INFORMATION GOVERNANCE, REED ELSEVIER - - This is a very exciting time to examine regulatory trends in privacy and data security. The rapid pace of technological advancements has forced regulators to rethink and revise their guidelines for industry...
  • Top Ten Key Privacy and Security Due Diligence Requests for Mergers and Acquisitions

    BY DAVID F. KATZ, NELSON MULLINS RILEY & SCARBOROUGH -- Due diligence in the context of mergers and acquisitions can easily be compared to a Sherlock Holmes–style exercise where deductive powers of reasoning are applied to the careful and often painstaking collection of a specific...
  • Preparing Your Company for a Privacy Rebellion | A LexisNexis® OnDemand Webinar

    Recording Date: Thursday, September 12, 2013 | Duration: 95 minutes | VIEW NOW Frequent news of network hacking, lost data and, more recently, U.S. government surveillance of citizens' phone records, has moved privacy and national security matters to the forefront of the national consciousness...
  • The Surveillance State: Preparing Your Company Should Consumers Demand Stronger Privacy Protection

    By David Katz Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP The recent explosion of news about the top secret PRISM program, reported by The Guardian and The Washington Post ®, has raised privacy and national security matters to the forefront of the national consciousness. The revelation about...
  • Third Party Due Diligence | A LexisNexis® OnDemand Webinar

    Recording Date: Thursday, July 25, 2013 | Duration: 95 minutes | VIEW NOW | Today’s news is filled with stories describing disastrous, costly and often painfully public consequences of some unfortunate company’s data breach. Breaches such as these are often a consequence of a third...
  • 5 Tips for Staying Ahead of Mobile Privacy Enforcement

    Special from : 5 Tips for Staying Ahead of Mobile Privacy Enforcement On March 28, 2013, one of the Federal Trade Commission’s privacy division attorneys predicted that the FTC will continue to remain focused on mobile privacy citing it as a “huge priority for the agency.”...