11 Mar 2019
Author : InfoPro Community Manager
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Know more about your experts—and your opponents’—faster
Expert witnesses are one of the most critical aspects of any case. Whether you are searching for a potential expert to retain, vetting your expert or preparing to cross-examine an opposing expert, your access to information can dramatically impact the outcome of your case. That is why LexisNexis not only offers an invaluable collection of expert witness materials, but now allows you to conduct all of your expert witness research in one place via the LexisNexis® award-winning Context on Lexis Advance®.
Expert Overviews
Drawing from the LexisNexis proprietary database of over 400,000 experts, Context’s overview page provides users with a quick overview of an expert’s contact information, professional experience, licenses and certifications. The CVs section at the bottom of the overview page provides quick access to every CV and resume an expert has in the LexisNexis database.
LexisNexis has 70% more state and federal jury verdicts & settlements than our closest competitor.* Drawing on this advantage, the Overview analytics reveal how often an expert has been hired by plaintiff v. defense; the number of cases they handle per year; and their case experience by area of law and jurisdiction.

Unmatched Analytics
Context’s Analytics tab gives you hardest-to-find facts so you can protect your witness in a Daubert challenge and undercut an opposing expert’s credibility. Only Context for Expert Witnesses uses technology to pinpoint why judges admitted or excluded an expert’s testimony, so you can know in advance how to select the right expert, defend their testimony or impeach opposing counsel’s expert.
With Context, find:
- How often the expert’s testimony was excluded and why, such as methodology, relevance and more. It’s all presented in one easy-to-read chart. Link to the judge’s specific reasoning, in the precise language he used to weigh the Daubert challenge
- Language and cases you need to prepare—the words that can persuade your judge to admit your expert’s testimony or impeach your opposition’s expert

Deep Background—No Searching Needed
Gone are the days of wasting hours checking whether the documents being retrieved are actually for your specific expert. By implementing a named entity recognition system—searching for a specific individual from our database, rather than a Boolean query—Context’s Related Materials tab allows for highly precise results from all of the LexisNexis content sets. Jump straight into the most relevant cases, dockets, jury verdicts and more.
Next, select the “Expert Witness Materials” Content type, for high value content specific to the expert witness arena (included with a subscription to Context Experts). The sub-content types filter allows users to select one or all of the following: Testimony and Reports; Resumes and Curriculum Vitae; and Challenges. LexisNexis Testimony and Reports include 45% more full text deposition and trial transcripts than our closest competitor.* The Challenges are curated under less stringent parameters than the Analytics tab, to highlight any time an expert faced positive or negative treatment from the court, regardless of whether or not it was in the confines of a Motion to Exclude.

Finally, wrap up by creating a report that allows you to download this comprehensive information to share with others, print or access offline as needed.
Now, you can conduct all of your expert witness research in one, powerful place, with Context on Lexis Advance®. Know the language. Protect your expert. Exclude theirs.
To learn more, contact your LexisNexis representative or visit the Context page.
*Comparison based on information available as of October 2018
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