14 Oct 2024
Author : Lindsey Watson
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Knowledge & Research Consultant Research Tip: Shepardize the Citations in an Uploaded Document
You can now Shepardize the citations in your uploaded document (or two documents) without leaving the Lexis+ AI Assistant. This update streamlines your workflow by allowing you to see graphically whether the citations in your document or your opponent’s document are still good law or not.
From the Upload & Summarize task within Lexis+ AI, upload your document and then click Summarize your upload.

After summarizing, you’ll see the option to Shepardize the citations from the document:

The citations from the document appear in a Shepard’s graph. To see the report in full detail, click View full results and analysis:

Now you are within the Cited in Your Document tab in Brief Analysis where you can get more details on the Shepard’s treatment and access Shepard’s report for each of the citation in the uploaded document(s).

For two uploaded documents, the graphical summary will show the citations in each document and the shared citations.
For more information, please reach out to your Knowledge & Research Consultant.