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5 Sep 2024 Author : Loyd Auerbach

Knowledge & Research Consultant Research Tip: Tips for Weekday Delivery of Newsletters within Newsdesk

When setting up a search feed on Newsdesk, some researchers may be looking at what the news results are for the previous 24 hours. One can easily limit the coverage of the results using the date restriction drop down:


For any search, limiting to the last 24 hours can be helpful if that’s the only coverage one needs.

However, when using that date-restricted search feed as the basis for a newsletter, one choice for the delivery timing can come into conflict with that 24-hour date restriction: Weekdays (Monday to Friday).

A Weekday newsletter based on a 24-hour date restricted search feed will miss any articles added since the time the Friday newsletter was run up until 24 hours before the Monday newsletter is run.  As an example, let’s say the Weekday delivery happens at 9 AM. The Monday 9 AM newsletter would not pick up anything from Friday’s 9 AM delivery through Sunday at 9 AM – missing most of Friday and all of Saturday additions to Newsdesk. Newsdesk newsletters deliver results that were added to Newsdesk since the previous newsletter was sent out.

Consequently, for newsletter purposes there’s really no reason to restrict the coverage dates for any search feed being used for a newsletter. If you’ve changed the date coverage to 24 hours while searching, be sure to change it to a broader time period before saving it and using the search feed as the basis of a newsletter.

For more information, please reach out to your Knowledge & Research Consultant.