17 Jul 2024
Author : Lindsey Watson
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Knowledge & Research Consultant Research Tip : Use Browse Topics to Find Relevant Authority on a Topic or Issue
If you are unsure of the exact terms of art to use in a search or you are teaching a group of newer researchers, Browse by Topic can help point you in the right direction.
Select the Topics tab within Explore Content. You can either type in a topic or browse by Area of Law:

Start to type the topic or sub-topic you are interested in researching and then select it when you see a relevant suggestion from the word wheel or click search:

The topical hierarchy will show you which area of law your topic falls under and allow you to select more specific sub-categories when you expand that section.

Below we selected the General Overview sub-category which then runs a search across all of Lexis for relevant documents, including primary and secondary content. It’s a great way to find seminal cases and treatises that help explain a topic further:

If you have any questions, please contact your Knowledge & Research Consultant or account team.