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27 Oct 2021 Author : Bridget MacMillan

Knowledge & Research Consultant Tip: Automate Imbedding Citation Links into Your Documents

Shepard’s® BriefLink makes it easy to embed links to citations in documents you are submitting to court, sharing with colleagues or publishing

Many courts are now requiring that documents submitted have links to the citations referenced. Or you may be sharing a document with colleagues and you want to make it easier for them to act by having the citations linked to the cases. Or you are submitting a document for publication and you want to make it easier for the reviewers to act on your submission by including links to citations.

Shepard’s BriefLink enables you to upload a document to create permanent links for citations and add Shepard’s Signal™ indicators. With Shepard’s BriefLink you can:

  • Insert permanent hyper-text links into legal citations found in briefs or other court filings
  • Insert Shepard’s Signal indicators at the beginning of the citation

This is what the text looks like before using Shepard’s BriefLink:


And after using BriefLink:

Find Shepard’s BriefLink is found using the product grid in the upper-left corner:


On Lexis+®, Shepard’s BriefLink is found in the Legal Research experience, under the Tools tab:


To see Shepard’s BriefLink in action, check out this video.

You do not need an additional subscription to use this service, and there is no extra charge for generating the Shepard's BriefLink document.

Contact your account team or Knowledge & Research Consultant with questions.