18 Dec 2024
Author : Bridget MacMillan
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Lex Machina Litigation Footprint
If you are tasked with researching a company or individual as part of a business development pitch or in preparation for a case, and you want to understand the litigation history of that entity, check out the new Lex Machina Litigation Footprint tool!
You’ll find it on Lex Machina, under the Parties tab:
In the example below, you see a high-level overview of the litigation activity at the top of the page, and then below are graphics you can engage with to understand nuances, and at any point you can link to the entire list of cases.
This is a clean and elegant presentation of a lot of information, and it is intuitive to dive into. Give it a try!
If you have other questions, please contact your Knowledge & Research Consultant or account team.