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26 Jan 2022 Author : InfoPro Community Manager

Nexis Newsdesk Enhancements, January 2022


  • General Enhancements/Changes
    • Changes to Clippings Shortcut
      When viewing the Saved Content panel, you can once again create a clippings feed directly from folders.

    • Hide or Show Details of Search Results
      When viewing search results, you now have the option to toggle between Full View (which includes headlines, extracts, and key metadata) or Title View (which shows only the article headline, which allows you to view more articles on the page).

      • Full View

      • Title View

    • Sharing Analyses
      You can now you share an analysis with your colleagues directly from the Saved Analyses table. Sharing options are found on the Actions menu. Previously, you shared analyses from the older version of the Saved Content panel.

  • Updates to Saved Content Panel
    We’ve added more actions to our new Saved Content Panel:

    • Add article:
      You asked and we listened! You can once again add an article to a search using the Saved Content list – just as you could with the previous version of this list.

    • Download search criteria:
      Similarly, you can once again download the search criteria/terms from either all searches within My Content or Shared Content or all searches in individual folders from the folder level.
      • From the Shared Content (or My Content) level, click the three dots

      • From the Folder level, open the folder and click the three dots

    • Add Groups:
      Admin users can now add and manage groups of users from the Saved Content panel. Doing this lets you share feeds with a specific set of users rather than always sharing feeds with everyone on your account using the Shared Content folder.

    • Manage Groups:
      At the Saved Content panel, you can now add users to your Groups either individually or based on their user role.

  • Improvements to INSIGHTS (Results screen)
    We’ve improved our downloaded Insights PDF and added a new geo-map view:

    • PDF download: We’ve added the search name and date range for the Insights report to the downloaded PDF.
           Example: Top of the downloaded PDF for a search

    • Geo Map: We are now including a map which shows the specific region where your results are found. For example, a search that only finds articles from the UK and will show a view of Europe and the UK:  

    • Improvements to Viewing Similar Top Articles
      Now when viewing Top Stories on the Insights tab, when you click the link to view “Similar articles”, the articles will appear in a panel that slides out from the right side of the Nexis Newsdesk window.

  • Newsdesk Mobile App
    • Create Sign-in Profiles
      New Newsdesk Mobile customers can now set up their LexisNexis sign-in profile directly from the mobile app.

    • Change the Home Page Feed for All Users
      Newsdesk Mobile Admin users can now change the feed that appears on the ‘Home’ page of the app for all of their users.

    • Push Notifications Now Available
      You can now receive push notifications from the Newsdesk Mobile app. To enjoy this feature, you must first opt in to receive Newsletter and Story Alert notifications through the app. Newsletter notifications alert you when you receive a new newsletter, while Story Alert notifications allow Admins to push key stories to you using a push notification.

  • Past Webinars Now Available
    Have you seen a Nexis Newsdesk webinar training advertised but you were unable to attend? Good news! Full recordings of all our past live webinars are available now.

    To access the complete list, visit Newsdesk Webinars On-Demand.

Any questions? Feedback? Suggestions for future improvements?
Be sure to check in with your LexisNexis Knowledge & Research Consultant.