26 Jan 2023
Author : Nikki DiNatale
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Nexis Newsdesk™ Tip of the Month: Quickly Streamline Company Searches
Crafting a concise search for news on a specific company can be challenging in terms of the high number of results. The bigger the company, the more news you will find. For example, Twitter will generate a lot of news coverage, and many will not be useful for your purposes. For example, note this initial search on Twitter Inc. generating over 100,000 news articles and top results may not be relevant to what you are interested in.
A Newsdesk power user shared this helpful tip to remove less than desirable company news results. Adding the index topic “Company Activities & Management” to the search strategy will help you refine the search to generate more relevant results.
Here the results were reduced considerably, and more aligned with news on the company. Try this out and let us know what you think!