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2 Dec 2021 Author : Gayle Lynn-Nelson

Nexis Newsdesk™ Tip of the Month: Your favorite Lexis® search syntax automatically converted into Newsdesk commands

Nexis Newsdesk now recognizes these favorite Lexis search commands when you enter them into the search box and converts them to the appropriate Nexis Newsdesk syntax:

  • hlead – converted to START
  • atleast – converted to MULTIPLE
  • w/ - converted to NEAR

Increase efficiency with this feature by selecting the converted command when it appears in the Search Assistant box. For example, when you begin typing hlead, the Search Assistant tells you that the Nexis Newsdesk command is START. You just have to click on START [hlead],

and now the search box contains the necessary command:

Now, you can complete the search with confidence.