30 Jan 2025
Author : Bridget MacMillan
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Search Terms Map View When Evaluating Results
When you are evaluating the results of a terms & connectors search on Lexis+, take advantage of the Search Terms Map (STM) view to see where the search terms appear in the document, see how they clustered together, and you can use the map to move through the occurrences of the search terms.
In this example, the search terms are: Moen, headquarters, and move. You can see that each of the terms are a unique color, and that color also appears in the STM.

This allows you to be efficient, you can remain on the results page without having to open each document in full to determine its relevancy.
The STM view is available in most content types, if you don’t see it on the results page, you can turn it on via the icon that is round with a piece pulled out, that is known as the graphical view.
If you have any questions, check with your Knowledge & Research Consultant.