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6 Mar 2019 Author : InfoPro Community Manager

26 publications from the American Bar Association section of Antitrust & Trade Law now on the Lexis Advance® service

The ABA section of Antitrust & Trade Law is is a trusted source of guidance and information for professionals working in antitrust and competition law, trade regulation, consumer protection and economics.*

New publications include:

  • Antitrust Evidence Handbook
  • Antitrust Class Actions Handbook
  • Antitrust Issues in International Intellectual Property Licensing Transactions
  • Business Torts and Unfair Competition Handbook
  • Antitrust Law and Economics of Product Distribution
  • Department of Justice Civil Antitrust Practice and Procedure Manual
  • Econometrics: Legal, Practical and Technical Issues
  • FTC Practice and Procedure Manual
  • Health Care Mergers and Acquisitions Handbook
  • Intellectual Property and Antitrust Handbook
  • Market Definition in Antitrust: Theory and Case Studies
  • Monopolization and Dominance Handbook
  • Proving Antitrust Damages: Legal and Economic Issues
  • The Merger Review Process: A Step-by-Step Guide to U.S. and Foreign Merger Review
  • Interlocking Directorates Handbook
  • Premerger Coordination: The Emerging Law of Gun Jumping and Information Exchange
  • Advertising Claim Substantiation Handbook
  • Cartel Law Basics for Executives
  • Consumer Protection Handbook
  • Consumer Protection Law Developments
  • Handbook on Antitrust in Technology Industries
  • Indirect Purchaser Litigation Handbook
  • Insurance Antitrust Handbook
  • Market Power Handbook: Competition Law and Economic Foundations
  • Private Equity Antitrust Handbook
  • The Handbook of U.S. Antitrust Sources

Access these sources via the Red Search Box if interested in a specific publication, or via Explore Content > Practice Area or Industry > Antitrust & Trade Law.

*Access to these publications is based on your Lexis Advance subscription.