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15 Jul 2020 Author : InfoPro Community Manager

New Lexis Advance® CourtLink® track enhancements

Two new CourtLink® track enhancements help users review their track results, in email and in the product itself.

Tracked docket changes delivered in the body of track emails
This new delivery option makes it easier and faster for users to review their track results, and is an alternative to receiving the dockets as email attachments. The emails include the docket header details and any newly added changes, with relevant highlights. Links to the PDF documents filed at the court are viewable in CourtLink.

To select the new delivery format, when creating your track, choose the option Deliver changes in email body, and then click Create Track.

Easier navigation through tracked docket results
To help users save time when reviewing their lists of tracked dockets, a navigation control has been added to the upper-right corner of each docket. When reviewing their tracks, users can move forward or backward through them, or return to the full track list.